Google announced on Wednesday its plans to limit advertising tracking on Android phones. The Mountain View, the California-based company has announced a multi-year plan to create the sand of privacy on Android, with the aim of introducing more privacy advertising solutions. Specifically, these solutions will limit user data sharing with third parties and developers and work without inter-application identifiers that follow users on the Internet. Cross identifiers are essentially applications that allow developers to follow users of other applications, to sell this data to advertisers. The advertising identifier is a cross identifier.
Google, in its blog article, also stated that it also explores technologies that reduce the potential for the collection of secret data, including safer ways of applications to integrate advertising software development kits. Basically, Google is working on deleting any type of tracking for Android users for advertising purposes. “In order to guarantee a healthy ecosystem – benefiting from users, developers and businesses – the industry must continue to evolve how digital advertising works to improve the privacy of users. That’s why we initially developed an advertising identity card to give more control of users. Last year, we introduced improvements to these checks, but we think it’s important to go further, “Google said in his blog article.
In the blog post, Google said that its idea is to develop effective and privacy advertising solutions, where users know that their information is protected and that developers and businesses have the tools necessary for success without the to follow. The Company stated that it intends to support the existing ad platform for at least two years and will provide developers and advertisers a substantial opinion prior to any change.