Actress Rambha met with a harrowing accident while driving her children home and she shared the experience on social media.
Sharing pictures of her totalled car, she revealed that she was hit by another car at an intersection.While she assured fans that she was alright and had only minor injuries, her daughter Sasha unfortunately remains hospitalised.
Our car was hit by another car at an intersection wayback from picking kids from school! “Me with kids and my nanny “All of us are safe with minor injuries my little sasha is still in the hospital bad days bad time please pray for us your prayers means a lot #pray #celebrity #accident, (sic)” she wrote on social media.
Rambha is married to Canada-based businessman Indhran Pathmanathan and they are parents to two baby girls, Lavanya and Sasha, apart from a baby boy.The accident took place in Toronto on Tuesday and fans responded under the post, wishing her daughter a speedy recovery.
Rambha was one of the leading actresses in south India before she bid goodbye to her career in 2010 and tied the knot.Actresses like Sneha, Radhikaa, Payal Rajput and others also commented under the post, glad that her and the kids escaped a major accident.